The deeply Neapolitan soul of Emilio De Luca  tailoring manifests itself, as well as in the visceral and authentic interpretation of the Neapolitan humus typically made of passion, creativity and rare aesthetic sense, in a meaningful strategic choice: the location of the production laboratory is on the slopes of Vesuvius, in Naples, a town just outside the capital city of the region that historically has made and continues to be, from generation to generation, the birthplace of the greatest craftsmen.



Since the beginning of the twentieth century it was from here that came to Naples, strong of the direct teachings handed down from fathers to sons regarding the techniques and secrets of handcraft, the most skilled and talented tailors who populated the elegant studios in Naples..


The vision of Emilio’s parents and the intuition of Emilio has pushed them to reverse this course, being able for the first time to create a perfect synergy with the skills and invaluable values of craftsmanship expressed in the surrounding territory. Today, Sartoria Emilio De Luca boasts, under the leadership of the passionate and meticulous masters Neapolitan tailors.



It is here that, step by step, the sole and exclusive items- among jackets, suits, and coats - come to life, and each year reach connoisseurs of the Emilio ’s style all across the world. Just as it is here that the exclusive shirts and stylish ties blossom. Only the line of knitwear and sportswear, designed by the Emilio style office, are made in cooperation with selected workshops become loyal over the years.